There are so many color tools, and yet new ones appear almost every day 🙈 And that’s a good thing! Tools evolve, priorities change, and some become outdated while others offer better solutions to specific color challenges. It might not be the final list, but these are the ones I’m aware of and find useful.
Ready to use color palettes for dataviz
⭐ Here is the list of color tools that you can take and start using in data visualizations immediately.
Focus on color schemes optimized for maps and data visualizations, with accessibility filters. It’s safe to use and gives a good variety of colors tailored for data visualization.carto
Colors for maps. Tested palettes for better maps.Color Buddy
Build and text color pallets for your dataviz
Viz Palette
To check how your colors will look on the charts
Tableau related
These tools allow export to Tableau and/or we created in Tableau
Color Tool by Interworks
With export to TableauDatafam Colors by Ken Flerlage
Crowdsourcing palettes from the Tableau community
R related
List of color related libraries and packages for R
r-color-palettes by Emil Hvitfeldt
Comprehensive list of color palettes in Rprismatic
It helps with the automatic color choice and finds the best_contrast() colors
Collection of R color palettespaletteer
Common R palettescols4all
Choose colors with the interactive dashboard insidei want hue
Not for R actually but mostly Data Science, like finding colors for k-means
Colors tool which should be used with an additional check on data vizualizations. Mostly for designers.
Quickly generate palettes with a single click, explore trending palettes, create palettes from the image, and visualize them on the website designhappyhues
Color palette inspiration with real examples0to255
With random color
Create, manage, and share color palettes. Also for dataviz!
Color scheme generator that uses deep learningHuetone by Alexey Ardov
For accessible colors designpoline
Color palette generator by coordinates
When choosing a color palette for data visualization, make sure it has enough distinct colors and adequate contrast. Most color palettes from brand guidelines might not be suitable for data visualization purposes. In that case, you can use the brand palette as a base and create a data visualization-specific palette from it. Don’t forget to test it with tools like Viz Palette.
Also, check out
Comprehensive color guide →
Google but for color →
Game to find colors on the color wheel →
Miro board with Datawrapper materials about color. You’ll find the answer to all color-related questions here!